Source code for intake_sqlite.sqlite_src

"""SQLite Intake driver classes."""
from __future__ import annotations

import logging
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any
from urllib.parse import urlparse

import fsspec
from intake_sql import SQLSource, SQLSourceAutoPartition, SQLSourceManualPartition

import intake_sqlite

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

SQLITE_SUFFIXES = (".db", ".sqlite")

__all__ = [

[docs]class SQLiteSource(SQLSource): # type: ignore """Read the full results of an SQL query into a dataframe. Args: urlpath: A local path or :mod:`fsspec` readable URL pointing to a SQLite database. sql_expr: Query expression to pass to the SQLite database backend. sql_kwargs: Additional arguments to pass in to :func:`pandas.read_sql`. metadata: Arbitrary metadata dictionary associated with the data source. storage_options: Keyword arguments passed to :func:`fsspec.open_local` """
[docs] name = "sqlite"
[docs] version = intake_sqlite.__version__
[docs] container = "dataframe"
[docs] partition_access = True
def __init__( self, urlpath: str, sql_expr: str, sql_kwargs: dict[str, Any] = {}, metadata: dict[str, Any] = {}, storage_options: dict[str, Any] = {}, ): """Initialize the class, transforming remote URL path to a local file path.""" super().__init__( uri=urlpath_to_sqliteurl(urlpath, storage_options=storage_options), sql_expr=sql_expr, sql_kwargs=sql_kwargs, metadata=metadata, )
[docs]class SQLiteSourceAutoPartition(SQLSourceAutoPartition): # type: ignore """SQLite Table reader with automatic partitioning. Args: urlpath: A local path or :mod:`fsspec` readable URL pointing to a SQLite database. table: Name of the table to read from the database. index: Name of the column to use for partitioning and as the index of the resulting dataframe. sql_kwargs: Additional arguments to pass to :func:`dask.dataframe.read_sql`. metadata: Arbitrary metadata dictionary associated with the data source. storage_options: Keyword arguments passed to :func:`fsspec.open_local` """
[docs] name = "sqlite_auto"
[docs] version = intake_sqlite.__version__
[docs] container = "dataframe"
[docs] partition_access = True
def __init__( self, urlpath: str, table: str, index: str, sql_kwargs: dict[str, Any] = {}, metadata: dict[str, Any] = {}, storage_options: dict[str, Any] = {}, ): """Initialize the class, transforming remote URL path to a local file path.""" super().__init__( uri=urlpath_to_sqliteurl(urlpath, storage_options=storage_options), table=table, index=index, sql_kwargs=sql_kwargs, metadata=metadata, )
[docs]class SQLiteSourceManualPartition(SQLSourceManualPartition): # type: ignore """SQLite expression reader with explicit partitioning. Args: urlpath: A local path or :mod:`fsspec` readable URL pointing to a SQLite database. sql_expr: Query expression to pass to the SQLite database backend. where_values: list of str or list of values/tuples Either a set of explicit partitioning statements (e.g., `"WHERE index_col < 50"`...) or pairs of valued to be entered into where_template, if using where_template: str (optional) Template for generating partition selection clauses, using the values from where_values, e.g., `"WHERE index_col >= {} AND index_col < {}"` sql_kwargs: Additional arguments to pass to :func:`dask.dataframe.read_sql`. metadata: Arbitrary metadata dictionary associated with the data source. storage_options: Keyword arguments passed to :func:`fsspec.open_local` """
[docs] name = "sqlite_manual"
[docs] version = intake_sqlite.__version__
[docs] container = "dataframe"
[docs] partition_access = True
def __init__( self, urlpath: str, sql_expr: str, where_values: list[Any], where_template: str | None = None, sql_kwargs: dict[str, Any] = {}, metadata: dict[str, Any] = {}, storage_options: dict[str, Any] = {}, ): """Initialize the class, transforming remote URL path to a local file path.""" super().__init__( uri=urlpath_to_sqliteurl(urlpath, storage_options=storage_options), sql_expr=sql_expr, where_values=where_values, where_template=where_template, sql_kwargs=sql_kwargs, metadata=metadata, )
[docs]def urlpath_to_sqliteurl(urlpath: str, storage_options: dict[str, Any] = {}) -> str: """Transform a file path or URL into a local SQLite URL.""" parsed = urlparse(urlpath) p = Path(parsed.path) if p.suffix not in SQLITE_SUFFIXES: raise ValueError( f"Expected a SQLite file path ending in one of: {SQLITE_SUFFIXES} " f"but got: {}" ) if parsed.scheme != "" and parsed.scheme not in fsspec.available_protocols(): raise ValueError(f"URL protocol {parsed.scheme} is not supported by fsspec.") if parsed.scheme == "" and not p.is_file(): raise ValueError(f"Local path {p} is not a file!") # At this point we know that EITHER: # * urlpath is a URL supported by fsspec that looks like an SQLite file OR # * p is a local file that looks like an SQLite file if parsed.scheme == "": # Absolute path to the local SQLite DB: local_db_path = p.resolve() else: # Absolute path to the locally cached SQLite DB: local_db_path = fsspec.open_local("simplecache::" + urlpath, **storage_options) return f"sqlite:///{local_db_path}"